Briar Pyschotherapy

Therapist in Carleton Place, ON.

Providing individual, couples, and relationship psychotherapy both in-person and virtually.

About Briar Psychotherapy

Briar Psychotherapy is owned and operated by individual and couples/relationship therapist, Colleen Leafloor.
Briar is a hub for psychotherapy services, providing service to individuals, couples, and other people in relationships. Therapy services are provided in Carleton Place or virtually for Ontario residents.

Looking for a therapist in Carleton Place?

Scroll to learn more about the services provided at Briar Psychotherapy

  • Individual Psychotherapy

    Individual therapy is done in-person or virtually. Issues you may explore in individual therapy include: expanding/evolving your communication skills, work on self-esteem, boundaries, impulse control, emotional regulation, managing anxiety, grief, trauma, sexuality, low mood, etc.,

  • Couples Psychotherapy

    Couples therapy is done in-person or virtually, and is intended for those in a romantic relatonship. Issues we may explore in couples therapy include: communication skills, emotional regulation, conflict resolution, trust, infidelity, repair/reconnection, disconnection, sexuality, etc.,

  • Relationship Psychotherapy

    Relationship therapy is done in-person or virtually, and is intended for those who may benefit from therapeutic intervention for their non-romantic relationship. This can include, but is not limited to: family members, colleagues, friends, business partners, co-parents. Issues we may explore in relationship therapy include: communication skills, emotional regulation, conflict resolution, repair/reconnection, trust, boundaries, etc.,

  • Consultations - 15 min

    Consultations are done by secure video call or phone call, and are free of charge. Consultations offer an opportunity for us to explore any questions you may have about this process.

Reach out to get started

Therapeutic Approach

Therapy through Briar is about trust, integrity, authenticity, collaboration, honesty, compassion, and empowering independence.

Interested in learning more about the values, approach, modalities, and theories guiding care through Briar?

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Why Briar Psychotherapy?

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